
Moorefield Girls High School

Inspiring Young Women

Telephone02 9587 6095


HSC Helpful Links

Sutherland Library HSC Resources

A brilliant selection of online courses, programs, video streaming are offered for free to those with memberships.


Georges River Libraries

An excellent selection of databases where students can locate academic journal articles, newspaper articles and much more. Students can obtain membership in person at the library or by submitting a form to a school librarian.

Kogarah Library eResources:

Georges River Libraries Catalogue HSC Resources

Ìý Scroll down to see over 500 helpful HSC resources.


State Library HSC Resources

The State Library provides a range of HSC resources. They also provide access to Britannica Online that has a 'teen' section. Online membership is available, be sure to select the option to have your card posted home.

Online Membership Form

HSC Resources

Britannica Online


Bayside Libraries

Bayside Council Libraries. Membership with the Bayside Council Libraries will grant you access to a large array of online resources, including eBooks, online encyclopaedias, educational programs and more

These resources will allow students to obtain both information and assistance from online tutors to help them complete homework and assignments.

Your Tutor:

World Book Online:

Online Databases:
